Monday, February 8, 2010

Savitabhabhi and some well known secrets

You can either hate or love her, but you definitely cannot ignore her.

Some say she is the (sex) symbol of free speech. Some dismiss her as just another cartoon porn star ( as if we had loads of them). Some see her as their secret personal goddess while some has already christened her the devil incarnation.

But no matter whom you ask, chances are high that eight out of ten at least have heard of her and visited the website at least once. Yes, girls included (including me).

So who is this suddenly 'in'famous Bhabhi? She is an ordinary (surprisingly ordinary) curvy cartoon character who has managed to do the impossible. Defeat the moral brigade of our country. Never before was such a concerted effort from the sexually repressed population of this subcontinent so evident.Some time back in June, Indian government banned the site and Indian media was flooded with articles about poor Bhabhi and how she represents the fundamental right of Indian Constitution. (Oh, Yeah. We are not so keen on keeping tab of the other fundamental rights).

I had serious suspicions whether Obama learnt his PR tricks from Savitabhabhi's creators. And it wont be so surprising if she features in the ivy league management case studies. Apparently, the sultry bhabhi manages to get 60 million unique visitors, setting an example of how pornography has a mainstream market.

So as a woman, what do I say- Well, good for her and her fans!. Next question. Why?

Yes.Pornography subjugates women. But there are also pornographic material circulated for women featuring men as juicy subjects. Wont that be wrong? Yes.Absolutely. All pornographic material should be banned in an ideal world and polygamy/andry should be legalised. Fortunately or unfortunately we dont live in a perfect world. And in the hierarchy of pornography, maybe Bhabhi is the safest of them all.

She is a cartoon, representing no risk of human trafficking or sexually transmitted disease. She asserts her desires, namely to be an equal with her partners. She is certainly more innocuous than other atrocities against women the Indian government manages to ignore, from companies asking female workers for their father's or husband's name on every other form to the euphemistic "eve-teasing" on city buses.

It will be foolish and stupid of me to think that a simple ban or aggressive protest is going to make her vanish. It wont!. And to be honest, she is quite gripping with her over active imagination. I keep wondering whether there is a woman in the team to advise them on female sexual fantasies. (They are so way out of line).

And the cartoonist apparently based out of US says,

"One of the reasons for creating SB was to also portray that Indian women have sexual desires too. India is a country which is still sexually repressed and I feel that for it to break the shackles, it is the women of India who are going to have to come out first. We are already seeing that in a way, and hopefully SB will do her bit to help in this revolution.”

Wow! Who knew there was some strong moral ground there. Im already beginning to think he is going to get the next Nobel. Or is he a she?

By the way, they need script writers and cartoonists. And they have more titillating stories. Also, the website is not free anymore. (Yeah, I checked ). Lets see whether Bhabhi will survive once her services are charged.

Meanwhile, warn parents against naming their daughter Savita...and not even Savitri. (Both are close.)

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Red scarf girl Project

Well, its quite some days since I started this blog and it had been left to just sit and rot here all alone. And I have decided to pour some love.Not for the sake of the blog. But for me.

I just want to stop being lazy!.

So here is my plan. I am going to write about one topic every week for the next two months. I know its going to be tough
And maybe this is going to be another proverbial straw on the camels back.
But I am going to do it-To prove to myself that I can work under pressure and a time schedule and produce something nice. I also need to get myself more updated on current affairs and general know how of things which i seem to take for granted these days. And since Im going anonymous here, I can write whatever I want.Whoo,Aint I smelling freedom in the air?

So here starts the Red scarf girl Project

-A topic a week or as often as I can write

-It would be personal reflections over the issue or topic at hand

-Collect as many relevant and recent facts on the topic

-Referencing it not necessarily in an academic sort of way,but maybe linking it appropriately

-And most importantly, get to know more bloggers who blog in similar lines and read more blogs

So get set go....Wishing me good luck

The Girl In Red Scarf © 2008 Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina